Power Cooperative 11543 Lake of Egypt RoadMarion, IL 62959(618) 964-1448 Fax (618) 964-1867August 18,2009 RECEVED CLERKS OFFICE AUG‘2o 2009STATE OF ILUNOIS Pollution Control Board Dr.
SIPC generally supports the Agency’s proposal to sunset the provisions of the NOx Budget Trading
Program and agrees that the duplicative recordkeeping and reporting created by the NOx Seasonal CAIR are unnecessary and burdensome.
Noncompliance with the
provisions of this Subpart that occurred prior to 2009 is subject to theapplicable provisions of this Subpart.
See Hearing Transcripts,
June 18, 2009, and July 23, 2009, and Pre-Filed Testimony of David Bloomberg; see...
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