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AC 09-32,022709 PrfSvc on Rspndnts
Handle: Document-64367
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Monday, March 2, 2009 12:14:38 PM CST
Monday, March 2, 2009 12:15:50 PM CST
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  • 02/27/2008 14:28 FAX 815 727 8085 STATE ATTY CIVIL DIV 002/028
rOFPROOF OF SiRVICE ‘°flzroIUnder penalties as provided by law pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Code of CivilProcedure, the undersigned certifies that a copy of the foregoing documents was placed withUPS on December 24, 2008 for overnight delivery to be served upon the Glover FamilyTrust, Elaine D.
  • Glover and Glen K.
  • Glover, all parties to Administrative Citation 09 AC 32,
by cnclosing the same in an envelope addressed to said parties at their last known address,with postage fully prepaid, and by depositing the same with UPS in Joliet, illinois, and th...
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AC 09-32,022709 PrfSvc on Rspndnts.pdf
Appears In: AC 09-032
Preferred Version: AC 09-32,022709 PrfSvc on Rspndnts.pdf