MEETING MINUTES November 20, 2008Chicago/Springfield VideoconferenceCHICAGO OFFICE100 W.
Randolph Street
Chicago, ILVideoconference Room 11-512AndSPRINGFIELD OFFICE1021 N.
Grand Avenue East
Springfield, ILVideoconference Room 1244N, First Floor11:00 A.M.
Chairman Girard welcomed members of the public and staff.
ADJUSTED STANDARDSAS 08-1 In the Matter of: Petition of Illinois Department ofTransportation, District 8, Bowman Avenue Pump Station andDeep Well System, for an Adjusted Standard from 35 Ill.
AC 08-36 IEPA v. Charles F. Kinsel – No action taken. ADJUDICATORY CASES
PCB 05-35 Kibler Developm...
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