EPTo the Members of the Illinois Pollution Control qg Srd, 0 2008 ° 'ATE OF ivClubAs a member of Heart of Illinois Group Sierra Club, rarri-WW0V8oardconcerned about the precedent being set if Peoria DisposalCompany is granted delisting of Electric Arc Furnace Dust waste.
Public Comment RE: Case AS 08-10
Signed e,Address 4-e-q C.
msbet.oec, G.
-jr-lent laid°,3
Dear Illinois Pollution Control Board, RECEIVEDCLERKS OFFICESEP 1 0 2008delist electric arc furnace dust (AS 2008-010).
dpsioJ BoardI am writing asking you to deny Peoria Disposal Corn NOISdoor expansion of the landfill, an expansion bot...
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