Nicholas MELAS - FW: Disinfection of drinking waterFrom: "solzman" <>To: <>Date: 6/17/2008 4:54 PMSubject: FW: Disinfection of drinking water RECEIVEDCLERK'S OFFICEJUN 1 7 2008STATE OF ILLINOISPollution Control gna•dDear Mr.
I attach the first research report on the novel zerovalent iron approach.
I look forward to future conversation around this idea.
Again my thanks for your work for Illinois waterways and for the future of Chicago.
Technol 2005, 39, 9263-9269
Removal and Inactivation ofWaterborne Viruses UsingZerovalent IronYOUWEN YOU," IIE HAN,tPEI C. CHIU, t AND YANDepar...
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