Title: AS 08-3,101207 PrfFilingDocsEqualDocsServed on IPCB
Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Create Date: Monday, October 15, 2007 09:48:03 AM CDT
Modified Date: Monday, October 15, 2007 09:48:19 AM CDT
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Expiration Date: Saturday, December 30, 1899 12:00:00 AM CST
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Abstract: BEFORE THE ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF:Petition for Adjusted Standardfrom 35 Ill. See Exhibits A and B. 2. On or about September 12, 2007, copies of a Notice of Filing, an Appearance, a Petition for Adjusted Standard, a Motion for Expedited Review, and a Motion to Allow Filing ofLess Than Nine Copies, were properly served by U.S. Mail to the Illinois Enviromnental Protection Agency's ("Illinois EPA") Division ofLegal Counsel.Illinois EPA has had the original technical data for over a year. 7. As a result, Petitioner elected not to file its response to Respondent's Motion forExtension ofTime, yet believes that the record must reflect proofthat t...
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AS 08-3,101207 PrfFilingDocsEqualDocsServed on IPCB.pdf