TDD: (217) 782-9143March 30, 2007The Honorable Dorothy Gunn, ClerkIllinois Pollution Control BoardJames R.
Thompson Center
100 West Randolph Street, Suite 11-500Chicago, Illinois 60601Re : Illinois Environmental Protection Agency v .
Gene Breeden
IEPA File No.
GENE BREEDEN, ) Respondent .
NOTICE OF FILINGTo: Gene Breeden, OwnerG&D SalvageP.O.
Box 386
Loda, Illinois 60948PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on this date I mailed for filing with the Clerk of the PollutionControl Board of the State of Illinois the following instrument(s) entitled ADMINISTRATIVECITATION, AFFIDAVIT, and OPEN DUMP INSPECTION CHECKLIST . ...
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