MEETING MINUTESThursday, February 1, 2007Chicago/Springfield VideoconferenceCHICAGO OFFICE - 100 W.
Randolph Street
Videoconference Room 11-512AndSPRINGFIELD OFFICE – 1021 N.
Grand Avenue East
Oliver Holmes Conference Room 2012 N – Second Floor11:00 A.M.
Chairman Girard welcomed members of the public and staff.
R, LandR07-16 In the Matter of Wastewater Pretreatment Update, USEPAAmendments (July 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006) – TheBoard dismissed this reserved identical-in-substance docketbecause the United States Environmental Protection Agency didnot amend its wastewater pretreatment regulations during th...
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