Pollution Control BoardDorothy Gunn, ClerkJRTC100 Randolph Street, Suite 11-500Chicago, IL 60601 RECEIVEDCLERK'S OFFICEDEC 2 3 2006STATE OF ILLINOISLaSalle County, IllinoisCity Offices - 745 Second Street - La Salle, Illinois 61301-2599wwwlasalle-il.gov Fax: 815-223-9508City of LaSalleRE: Proposed Amendments to Dissolved Oxygen Standard35 ILL.
Code 302.206
Pollution Control Board Rule R04-25Dear MS.
Gunn :
The City of LaSalle would like to record its support for theIllinois Association of Wastewater Agency (IAWA), petitionR04-25 .
pollution Control Board
Art WashkowlakMavnrCity Offi...
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