RECEIVEDCLERK'S OFFICESFP-8 1006STATE OF ILLINOISFrom: "Stephanie Flowers" <Stephanie.Flowers@epa.state .
il .upollution Control Board
To: <>, <> 7G ~k3SDate: 9/6/2006 3:17:07 PMSubject: Used Oil R06-20Tim Fox- Used Oil R06-20Tim and Claire,I found two typos for the federal register citations in the Agency's post-hearing comments filed 9-1-06.
I plan
to file a correction of the Agency's comments with the Board so that the references are accurate .
Let me know if
you have any questions.
Stephaniefile://C:\Documents and Settings\FoxT\Local Settings\Temp\GW}00001 .HTM 9/11/2006
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