Illinois Pollution Control Board11th Floor, James R.
Thompson Center
100 West Randolph StreetChicago, Illinois 60601Re: People of the State of Illinois v.
Kurt Carlson
PCB 07-1Dear Ms.
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERALS'LA'TE OF ILLINOISJuly 28, 2006 RECEIVEDCLERIgi FFICEJUL , 2006STATE OF ILLINOISPollution Control BoardRECEIVEDJUL 3 1Y006Pollution Control $oooAttached hereto is the certified mail return receipt evidencing service upon theRespondent in the above-referenced matter. SSA A. VAIListant Attorney GeneralEnvironmental Bureau188 W. Randolph St., 20th Fl . ...
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