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R06-19,042106 PC5
Handle: Document-51999
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Monday, April 24, 2006 09:54:56 AM CDT
Monday, April 24, 2006 09:55:09 AM CDT
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  • In the Matter of: )
) Clean Construction or Demolition Debris Fill ) R06-19Operations under PA 94-272 ) Rulemaking-Land(35 Ill.
  • To avoid duplication, I
would like to limit my comments to two issues: the ambiguities created by the lack of a detailedstatement of how the “IDOT Specifications” exemption will be applied, and the application ofthe IDOT exemption to governmental agencies other than the departments identified in the IDOTSpecifications.
  • In addition to these two
sections, at least two other sections of the IDOT Specifications deal with the procedures orpractices which contractors...
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Appears In: R 06-019
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