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AC 05-18,020206 PstHrngBrfRspndnt
Handle: Document-50989
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Friday, February 3, 2006 12:17:57 PM CST
Friday, February 3, 2006 12:18:12 PM CST
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FEB 0 2 2006BEFORE THE ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOAR9STATEollutionOFILLINOISControl BoardPOST-HEARING BRIEF OF RESPONDENTThe Agency's position in this case is not sustained by the uncontroverted evidenceadduced at the Hearing.
  • (Tr.
  • at 21).
  • As there was no evidence to
indicate that the disposal service was operating without a permit, or otherwise improperly, afinding against the Respondent cannot be based up the fact that he placed some refuse into thecustody and control of such a service for ultimate disposal .
  • In light of the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing, the Agency's case against
Shrum can only be based on the fact that he mo...
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Appears In: AC 05-018
Preferred Version: AC 05-18,020206 PstHrngBrfRspndnt.pdf