OCT 25 2005STATE OF ILLINOISPollution Control BoardAFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE RESPONSEWayne HaserComplainant PCI) 05-2 16(Enforcement — Noise)Vs.
Respectfully submitted,
ComplainantDated: October 24, 2005Wayne Haser25763 Wiilowcreek LaneMonee, Illinois 60449708-534-3518 AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE RESPONSES FROM WAYNE HASER October 24, 20051)TNT does operate their facility in order to warehouse and distribute tires, which requires truck and trailermovements creating excessive noise in the process.
6)TNTdoes own the facility and property in question from which the noise is being emitted The noise is
being emitted over...
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