BEFORE THE ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARDRECEIVEDCLERK’S OFFICEJUN 27 2005STATE OF lLLh~JOi~R05-19 Pollution Control i30~rr~(Rulemaking - Air)Proceedings held on June 14th, 2005, at 10 a.m., at theoffices of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, 1021 North GrandAvenue East, North Entrance, Springfield, Illinois, before AmyAntoniolli, Chief Hearing Officer.
My name is Amy Antoniolli and I’ve been assigned as the
4 hearing officer in this rulemaking.
The Board must then make the
3Keefe Reporting Company 1 impact study, or lack thereof, available to the public at least2 20 days before a public hearing on the economic impact of t...
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