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R04-22,23,032905 pc14.pdf
Handle: Document-47124
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Friday, April 8, 2005 08:34:55 AM CDT
Friday, April 8, 2005 08:34:55 AM CDT
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° ~ ,~\~ MAR292005iL STATE OF ILLINOISLLi Poflution Control BoardMarch 15, 2005Clerk’s OfficeIllinois Pollution Control Board100 W Randolph St., Suite 11-500Chicago, IL 60601RE: Illinois Pollution Control Board #R04-22/23To Whom It May Concern:I have been working in the environmental regulatory industry for several years with clientsthroughout the state and I am very concerned about the negative effects the upcoming proposedregulation changes could have on several of my clients as well as the negative impact it couldhave on environmental consulting throughout...
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