NOV 232001STATE OF ILLINOISOFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL POIIut~onControl BoardSTATE OF ILLINOISLisa MadiganATTORNEY GENERAL November 8, 2004The Honorable Dorothy GunnIllinois Pollution Control BoardJames R.
Thompson Center
100 West Randolph, Suite 11-500Chicago, Illinois 60601Re: People v.
Michel Grain Company, Inc.
To: Doug Antonik F.
William Bonan
Antonik Law Offices Bonan and Bonan and Rowland411 Main Street P.O.
Box 309
Mt. , d/b/aMICI-IELCARYLE FERTILIZER, an Ill. Failure to comply with this subpoena will subject you to sanctions under 35 Ill. ...
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