c~r,~, ~ U ticc7I.s~REcV~October 26, 2004 CLERK’S ~ OCT 29 2004Charles E.
Matoesian STATE OF ILL~4O~S
DivisionIllinois EnvironmentalofLegal CounselProtection Agency DolIuttOfl Control Boar1021 North Grand Avenue EastP0 Box 19276Spnngfield, Illinois 62794Re: Wallace v.
IEPA, PCB 02-207 (Air Variance)
Dear Mr.
According to the Order, MedPointe is required to report on the progress of
the development of a suitable alternative to the usage ofethanol in theaffected processes.
All new
pro(:Lucts introduced, or in development, since the effective date ofthevariance, have involved the use ...
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