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PCB 05-003 Order 09/02/04
HOLLAND ENERGY, LLC-BEECHER CITYCirculating Water Chemical Feed System (Property Identification Numbers 0524-01-00-100-004. 0825-16-00-100-004, 0825-16-00-300-002, 0825-16-00-300-003, 0825-16-00-200-002), Petitioner, v. ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
Because the Board did not receive any petition for review of the Agency’s recommendation to deny certification, consistent with the Agency’s recommendation, the Board declined to certify that Holland Energy’s facilities are pollution control facilities and dismissed this matter.
Handle: Document-44350
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Monday, September 13, 2004 11:57:30 AM CDT
Tuesday, December 7, 2004 12:16:18 PM CST
Modified By:
Locked By:
September 2, 2004HOLLAND ENERGY, LLC-BEECHER CITYCirculating Water Chemical Feed System(Property Identification Numbers0524-01-00-100-004.
  • Adm.
  • Code 125).
  • In this order, consistent
with the Agency’s recommendation, the Board declines to certify that Holland Energy’s facilitiesare pollution control facilities.
  • Id.
  • at 1.
The Agency recommends that the Board deny certification that the identified facilities arepollution control facilities as defined in Section 11-10 of the Property Tax Code (35 ILCS200/11-10 (2002)). Agency Rec. The Board further dismisses this docket.IT IS SO ORDERED. 172 Ill. 2d R. 335. TheBoard’s procedural rules pro...
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Appears In: PCB 05-003
Preferred Version: PCB 05-003 Order 09/02/04