AUG 112004STATE OF ILLJNJOISCITIZENS Wcb Si t~ hL1p:iicar~1ockport.hon1e~acad.ccrnPOIIt~tionControl BoaraAGAINST ~-M~i1 c~rc1ockport@usa,cCmRUINING theENVIRONMENT P.O.
Box 536
Lockport, IL 60441August 10, 2004Ms.
We are fer iiizing with.
byizoducts ofindustrial
and human sewage.
the back ofour water bills, and
discovered that a.
few dollars had been collected on each residents monthly water bill that
went into a “radium bond fund.” The back ofthe bill also stated that:A dose ofthc 5 pci/L ingested o~em an ext~n~ed~...
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