IN THE MATTER OF: PROPOSED 35 ILL. ADM. CODE 304.123(g), 304.123(h), 304.123(i), 304.123(j), and 304.123(k)
The Board accepted for hearing the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s May 14, 2004 proposal to amend the Board’s water pollution control regulations.
The Agency expects to file a nutrient standards petition with the Board in early 2007.
However, if the source can demonstrate that phosphorus is not limiting nutrient in the
receiving water or that alternative phosphorus effluent limits are warranted by the aquaticenvironment in the receiving water, the 1.0 mg/l limit would not apply.
The Agency’s proposal, including its statement of reasons and the full text of the
proposed rule language, is available through the Clerk’ Office in Chicago (312-814-3620) and onthe Board’s Web site ( using the Clerk’s Office On-Li...
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