OF THE STATE OF ILLINOISIN THE MATTER OF:REVISIONS TO RADIUM WATERQUALITY STANDARDS: PROPOSEDNEW 35 ILL ADM CODE 302.307AND AMENDMENTS TO 35 ILL ADMCODE 302.207 AND 302.525 ~ECEgVEDCLERKS OFFICEJUN 02 2004STATE OF ILLINOISPollution Control BoardR04-21Rulemaking - Water )))))) NOTICE OF FILINGTo: See Attached Service listPLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on June 2, 2004, we filed the Illinois PollutionControl Board the attached MOTION FOR AN ADDITIONAL MERIT HEARINGon the proposal herein.
The purpose ofthese meetings was to advise the relevant
agencies of the benefits ofthe WRT Sy...
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