Title: PCB 03-051 Order 05/20/04
Summary: PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS v. DRAW DRAPE CLEANERS, INC., an Illinois corporation, AMERICAN DRAPERY CLEANERS & FLAMEPROOFERS, INC., an Illinois corporation, and RICHARD ZELL, an Illinois resident
Description: The Board granted complainant’s second motion to strike the affirmative defenses, and accepted the amended complaint for hearing.
Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Create Date: Thursday, May 27, 2004 10:19:43 AM CDT
Modified Date: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 01:35:37 PM CDT
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Abstract: ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD May 20, 2004PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS,Complainant,v. DRAW DRAPE CLEANERS, INC., an Illinois corporation, AMERICAN DRAPERYCLEANERS & FLAMEPROOFERS, INC., anIllinois corporation, and RICHARD ZELL,an Illinois resident,Respondents.Respondents operate a petroleum solvent dry cleaning operation located at 2235-2239West Roscoe Street, Chicago, Cook County.complainant filed an Amended Notice of Filing for the Amended Complaint on January 20,2004. Respondents’ third affirmative defense is that Dryer #2 was installed after the 1994 fire because there was no recovery dryer available at that time in the size needed...
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PCB 03-051 Order 05/20/04