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R04-016 Opinion 04/01/04
IN THE MATTER OF: RCRA SUBTITLE C UPDATE, USEPA AMENDMENTS (July 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003)
The Board adopted a proposal for public comment in this "identical-in-substance" rulemaking to amend the Board’s hazardous waste regulations.
Handle: Document-42077
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Wednesday, April 7, 2004 03:11:17 PM CDT
Friday, August 13, 2004 10:57:19 AM CDT
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April 1, 2004IN THE MATTER OF: ) ) R04-16RCRA SUBTITLE C UPDATE, USEPA ) (Identical-in-SubstanceAMENDMENTS (July 1, 2003 through ) Rulemaking - Land)December 31, 2003) )Proposed Rule.
  • These USEPA rules implement Subtitle C of the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA Subtitle C) (42 U.S.C.
  • §§ 6921 et seq.
  • Reg.
  • 44659)
USEPA adopted a number of corrective and clarifying amendments to the used oil management standards.
  • Most notably, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111 includes several incorporations of federal regulations by reference. Microbiological testing is not used in the implementation of the RCRA Subtitle C regu...
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R04-016 Opinion 040104.doc
Appears In: R 04-016
Preferred Version: R04-016 Opinion 04/01/04