CL.~R~S0FPC~I~PR2 4 2003Jj .1 .TNOIS POT 1 ~UTIONCONTROL B ~~~pI ~to (..ontro! This would extend rules originally adopted by theBoard in Docket R96-l 8, written to “sunset” as of the effective date of the newUSEPA radionuclide standards: December 8, 2003.
Such public hearing may be
held simultaneously or as a part of any Board hearing considering such newrules.” 415 ILCS 5/27(b) (2002).
The Agency has asked the Board to proceed with this proposal expeditiously.
review of the Department’s files will reveal to you that DCCA has not conducted anyeconomic studies since 1998 due to fiscal constraints.
R03-21 proposal
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