Title: R03-021 Order 04/17 03
Summary: IN THE MATTER OF: AMENDMENTS TO 35 ILL. ADM. CODE 602.105, 602.106, 602.108, and 602.115
Description: The Board accepted for hearing the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s April 7, 2003 proposal to amend the Board’s permitting rules for Illinois public water supplies.
Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Create Date: Monday, April 21, 2003 05:06:07 PM CDT
Modified Date: Thursday, April 24, 2003 02:05:45 PM CDT
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Abstract: ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD April 17, 2003IN THE MATTER OF:AMENDMENTS TO 35 ILL. IEPA explains that its proposed amendments to Part 602 would not exempt PWS from the final radionuclide standard, which as noted takes effect December 8, 2003. Board rules require that such a PWS be placed on a restricted status list by IEPA.602.106(d)) has been available to those PWS that did not meet the 1976 MCL but did meetUSEPA’s 1991 interim radionuclide standard. USEPA adopted a final MCL for gross alpha of 15pCi/L. The effective date for these final drinking water standards is December 8, 2003.
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R03-021 Order 04/17 03