OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS •k~ECE~VEOCLERK’S OFFICE~PR1 7 2003STATE OF ILLINOISPollution Control Board ) R03-20(Rulemaking)NOTICEDorothy Gunn, ClerkPollution Control BoardJames R.
Thompson Center
100 W.
Randolph, Ste.
Prior to assuming my currentposition I was the senior
counsel for the Bureau ofLand within the Agency’s Division ofLegal Counsel.
Because much ofthe language ofthe Section 58.15(B) BSRP finds parallel language in
the Section 58.14 ERTC, the Agency has drawn much ofthe language for this rulemaking from35 Ill.
Adm. Code 740 (“Part 740”). Therefore, the proposal is presented ...
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