January 16, 1973 :~ ;~P:::A::oNOF ) “7313~-~c~:;xs C~2AYYBC~RD (BY SANUEL T.
Ao:cation for non-fisciosure of certain matters has beenthe She~’in-’;ci1lia~s Cor~panv.
From the petition, it appears
naooers for which non-disclosure is sought are those whichbeen ~ubn.ittef, or will be submitted to the Environmental Proencv oursuant to atolications for permits.
:here is no natter ~enfing before the Board which would give
the Bca:~ jurisdiction of this subject and accordingly, the applica—for non—discosure is dismissed.
25 SC O~DER~.
I, c:~~st~ ~offett, Cle...
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