udr1ua~y9 ‘94Vii1~aer~ Carrier M~l~sIllinoisPeti ti one~ PCB 74-362Envionm~rtalProtccti~rAgencyRespondentOPINION aod ORDER of the BOARD (by Mr.
15, 1975 100 lb.
The Agency Recommendation, filed on December 5, 1974, would allow the
variance, but limit the dates and amounts of dosage to two treatments of onehundred pounds each in 0ctobe~ and November, 1974 The Agency notes the seriousness of the algae problem for public water supplies and the lack of adequate alternate treatment methods, as nac this Board in City of Staunton V.
EPA (PCB /4-345).
The fa~iureof copper sulfate treatment to adverse~yaffect
health over 2/...
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