September 2i, 1977Petitioner, PCB 77~2O3ENVIRONMENTAL 1R~)~CTlON AGENCY,RespondentORDER OF THL L3O~ID (by Mi~ Goodman).
Respondent Il Lion f S?ptembe~2 , 1977, for fourteen addi—
tional days (bejord the period allowed by Procedural Rule 405) withinqhich to file its Recommendation is qr~nted~IT IS SO CRDERED~I, Christai L Mo±±ett Clerk of the Illinois Pollution ControlBoard, ereb cettify the above Order was adopted on the o~q’~’dayof ) , 1977 by a vote of~~Christan L~Moffe , erkIllinois Pollution trol Board~D-625
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