DEERE & COMPANY,ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARDDecember 3, 1981ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION AGENCY,Respondent )))))) BCE 8i~l63ORDER OF ThE BOARD (by D0 Anderson):On November 30, 1981 Petitioner filed a motion for extension of time in which to file an amended petition in responseto the Agency~srecommendation to deny the requested variance(Procedp.ral Rule 406) Petitioner has filed an open waiverof the 90-day decision period0 The motion is oranted~ Petitioner shall have until Maich l~,1982 in whicth to file anamended petition0IT IS SO ORDEREDOI, Christan L0 Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois PollutionControl ~ hereby ~certify that the ...
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