Dec~mbc~3 1981CITY OF ONEIDA, )) PCB 81~154ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL FROTECTION AGENCY,OPINION AND ORDER OF TRF BOAPO (by J~Anderson):This matter comes heforo the Board on the variance petitionfiled by the City of OneiCa (City) October 5, 1981 as amendedOctober 14, 1981.
Hearing wa~ none has been held,
The City of OneiO~’, ~‘~od ir Knox County with a populationof about 780, essenti~ ~ ~sa that circumstances remainunchanged since 79~~15~ ~L vate: users are supplied withwater whose fluoride Ct~ii~ ~ngcs from t8 to 3.8 mg/i.
char adsorption contirvs~ i~ h~~eweC as the most effectivecompliance option, alt ~ w~e...
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