Nay ~7, 2982OLIN CORPORATION, a Virginta Cc ~p~a 2v~ PCB 8l~1l7ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PRO~ECTTON AGENCY,ORDER OF THE BOARD (by ~ Goodman)’On Apri1 19, 1982 (,li~ fi1~d~‘ Thtter with the Boardrequesting an additional two days to bi~rnmaterials not listed inits August 17, 1981 variance petition or included in the variancegranted by the Board on February 17, 1982, On April 29 the Boardconstrued said letter as a motion pursuant to Procedural Rule334(b)(1), and time was allotted for the Agency to responds Noruling on the motion was made, Inst?~adof a response, on May 13,1982 the Agency filed a Motion to Reconsider that order, TheAgency argued...
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