IN THE MATTER OF CHAPTER 8: NOISE POLLUTION, RULE 206, SITE-SPECIFIC OPERATIONAL LEVELS FOR FORGING SHOPS Dockets A, B, and C Amforge Division of Rockwell International, Modern Drop Forge Company, and
Wyman-Gordon Company
October 6, 1983INI THE MATTER OF CHAPTER 8: NOISE ) POLLUTION, RULE 206, SITE SPECIFICOPERATIONAL LEVELS FOR FORGING SHOPS ) R82-31Dockets A, B, and CAmforge Division of RockwellInternationalModern Drop Forge Company, andWyman-Gordon CompanyFINAL RULE.
Code 901.105(f).
f) Site—Specific Operational Levels
Each individual existing nj~~~ationidentifiedbelow must comply with the site-sj2ecific_qperationallevel defined, or is ~ i!esubject to Section901.105(c).
1) Amfo~eDivis ion of Rockwell International
located at 119th Street, Chi~a2,Illinoisshall: — ** ...
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