Wagner Casting Company for a Site Specific Operational level, Pursuant to Chapter 8, Rule 206 (d) of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Pollution Control Board
April 5, 1984In the Matter of the Petition ofWAGNER CASTING COMPANY ) R83~3for a Site Specific Operational level,Pursuant to Chapter 8, Rule 206(d) ofthe Rules and Regulations of theIllinois Pollution Control BoardPROPOSED RULE.
Petitioner must demonstrate
that it is technically and economically infeasible for itsshop to meet the numerical limits, Petitioner must also proposemeasures to reduce impulsive noise where possible and assessthe consequential health and welfare impacts on the surroundingcommunity.
Those to the south
are screened by the railyards and numerous commercial buildings.
ventilators at wall level draw f...
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