December 6, 1983PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS POE 83~194Oakbrook Estates Mobile Seine Park(Certification No, 2:LRA~iLL~wPc~75~4)Pr~29~1to_RevokeTax CertificationORDER OF THE 13O1~RD (by J D.
Durriel to
Recently enacted Public Act ~P~A..
83~O883, which became
effective on September 9, 1983, amends the deFinition of“Pollution Control Faciiity~’ as contained in Section 21a—2 ofthe Illinois Revenue Act of 1939 (III, Rev, Stat, Oh.
a hearing will be scheduled in this matter only if, 1) the Boardreceives a request for hearing, and 2) a short statement of thefacts to be presented at hearing is filed wit:h the Clerk of th...
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