IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: FORGINGS AND STAMPINGS, INC. for a Site-Specific Operational Level, Pursuant to Chapter 8, Rule 206(d) of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Pollution Control Board
Aj~,ust2, 1984 R8 3—29for a 3~~~~3pec ~c O~Leve1 ~ureu~t~ ~ ~ Rule ~6(d) of th~Pu ~: ~e~l ~ionPol~luJonCorttzi ~iu’~~~r Ttf~B aRu (by ~ Forcade):This matter cm~’°b~torethe Board on a petition filed onNovember 11~1984, by lorgings and Etarnpings, Inc0 (~F& Se’) fora site-specific operational level for its forging shop as analternative to cornplia~’ewith the noise limits contained in 35Ill.
Adm~Code 90L105 (old Rule 206 of Chapter 8)~ A public
hearing was held on March 29, 1984, in Hampshire, Illinois, Thishearing was scheduled with those ~f three other Illinois forgingshops in order to con~erve the time and resources of th...
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