IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: CORNELL FORGE, HAMPSHIRE DIVISION for a Site-Specific Operational Level, Pursuant to Chapter 8, Rule 206(d) of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Pollution Control Board
~ugust 2, 1984IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF:CORNELL FORGE, HAMPSHIRE DIVISION R83—26for a Sita~Specific OperationalLevel, Pursuant to Chapter 8, RUle206(d) of the Rules and Regulations ) of the Illinois Pollution Control ) Board ) PROPOSED RULE, FIRST NOTICEPROPOSED OPINION AND ORDER OF THE BOARD (by B0 Forcade):This matter comes before the Board on a petition filed onNovember 15, 1983, by Cornell Forge, Hampshire Division (“Cornell’~),for a site...
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