~ 7 1 ~ ~ ‘I, ) PCB ~4—39LI~OiS ENtö~)NMPE~~L:~POTf~TICL~~CE~1C~C,F~e’c’t~eritU1~DE~OF THE ~OA~D (by & L’, Dw~i1e):Tbis ~n~t~L~r ~o1~w:F ~ th~~Board upon a January 23, 1985t~utiou ç~r h’~tt~Uon ~f t~s filed on behalf of the CabotCpor~tio~.
Th~ ~t@c~n is ~r~c’y granted~
11’ i~ SO ORDET~ED~I, florcthy M.
~3unn, Clerk at r~heIllinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby c~r~:i~ythat ‘~:h~&D.: “c Order was ~dopt~d ond~ of 198S by a voteof — /...
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