January 10, 1905THE VILLAGE OF ELK GROVE VILLAGE,Petitioner,v.
) PCB 84—158
ILLINOIS ENVIRONM~TALPROTECTION AGENCY,RespondentsOPINION AND ORDER OF THE BOARD (by B~Forcade):This matter comes to the Board upon a petition for variancefiled by The Village of Elk Grove Village (~ElkGrove”) on October 30, 1984 and amended November 19, 1984.
It distributes about two billion gallons of water a year to its
tn Lake ~iichigan water is
scheduled for mid ~o late ~9$5 F~et.
Code 604.301(a) for their putl:~c ~ater ~uppiy subject to the
following conditions:1. This variance shell ~‘ r i ~s on January 1, 1986. PetitionerBy: ...
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