IN THE MATTER OF: Permit Requirements and
Operating Standards for Owners and Operators of Class I and Class II Landfills, and for Generators and Haulers of Special Waste
April 18, 1985IN THE MATTER OF: ) Permit Requirements andOperating Standards forOwners and Operators of ) R84~-l7Class I and Class II Landfills, ) Docket Aand for Generators and Haulers ) Docket Bof Special Waste ) (consolidated)ORDER OF THE BOARD (by J.
The R84-~17docket was initiated upon the Agency’s May 31,1984 filing of a preliminary set of draft regulations intended toreplace unspecifed parts of former Chapters 7 and 9, the Board’sSolid Waste Regulations, Special Waste Hauling arid HazardousHos...
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