April 4, 1984IN THE MATTER OFRENUMBERING OF 35 ILL, ADMO CODE901.105(f) (1), (2) and (3) to ) R85—8SECTIONS 901,110, 901,111 AND901.112,RENUMBERED RULEORDER OF THE BOZS~RD (by J.
The three forging noise site—specific rules located at 35Ill.
This will involve a nonsubstantive change to 35 Ill, Adm, Code
901.105(f) and is therefore exempt from the notice requirementsof the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, Ill, Rev, Stat,1983, ch.
Adm, Code 900,101 is one hour,
4) New Impacting Forging Operation is that property—line—noise—source comprised of impact forgingoperation on which construction began afterSeptember 1, ...
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