Title: PCB 81-190 Dumelle Concurring Statement 02/20/85
Summary: PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS v. THE CITY OF CHICAGO, a Municipal corporation, and JOHN B.W. COREY, Commissioner Chicago Department of Water and INGERSOLL PRODUCT CORP., an Illinois Corporation
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Create Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 02:32:51 PM CST
Modified Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 02:36:12 PM CST
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Abstract: ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD February 20, 1985PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) Complainant,v.THE CITY OF CHICAGO, a municipal ) corporation; and JOHN B.Commissioner Chicago Department ) of ~ and I GE~SOLLPRODUCT ) CORPOh~TION, an Illinois corporation, ) Respondents. 1042) was to provide a method to aid the enforcement of the Act and that the punitiveconsiderations were secondary” (Cit of Monmouth v.Control Board (1974) 57 Ill~2d 482, 490, 313 N.E. d 161,166), I find no reason to conclu...
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PCB 81-190 Dumelle Concurring Statement 02/20/85