Title: PCB 85-097 Order 08/15/85
Summary: CONCERNED CITIZENS GROUP An Unincorporated,
Voluntary Associaton, THERESA CASTARELU, DEE ANN MAYER, and SHlRLEY WATSON v. COUNTY OF MARION and I. S. INC. an Illinois Corporation also known as Industrial Salvage and Industrial Salvage. Inc.
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Modified Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 09:27:18 AM CST
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Abstract: IUJPJOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD August 15, 1985CONCERNED CITIZENS GROUP, ) ~inUnincorporated.Respondents. The motion is denied, Petitioner may present any arguments or evidence on this point at the ~osrd hearing scheduled forSeptember 12, 1985,IT IS SO ORDERED.Illinois Pollution Control Board65*89
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PCB 85-097 Order 08/15/85