December 21, 2000COUNTY OF SANGAMON,Complainant,v.
These activities
were in alleged violation of Sections 21(p)(1) and (p)(7) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/21(p)(1),(p)(7) (1998), as amended by Pub.
On December 18, 2000, Daily filed a petition for review of the administrative citation
pursuant to Section 31.1(d).
415 ILCS 31.1(d) (1998).
The Board accepts this matter for
hearing. 415 ILCS 42(b)(4) (1998).The Board directs that this matter proceed to hearing as expeditiously as practicable. IT IS SO ORDERED.I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, hereby certify thatthe above order was adopt...
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