June~23,1992IN THE MATTER OF: ) R91—3SAFE DRINKING WATER ACT UPDATE ) (Identical in Substance Rules)(7—1—91 through 12—31—91) ) EXTENSION OF TIMEORDER OF THE BOARD (by J.
Section 17.5 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act)requires the Board to adopt regulations which are “identical insubstance” with USEPA drinking water rules adopted pursuant toSections 1412(b), 1414(c), 1417(a), and 1445(a) of the SafeDrinking Water Act (P.L.
93-523), as amended (SDWA).
The term
“identical in substance” has been defined in Section 7.2 of theAct.
636 (Jan. 8, 1991), 56 Fe...
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