Title: R 95-004 / R 95-006 06/15/95 Supplemental Opinion and Order
Summary: IN THE MATTER OF: UIC UPDATE, USEPA REGULATIONS (07-01-94 THROUGH 12-31-94) / IN THE MATTER OF: RCRA UPDATE, USEPA REGULATIONS (07-01-94 THROUGH 12-31-94, 01-03-95 & 05-19-95)
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Abstract: ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD June 15, 1995IN THE MATTER OF: )) R95—4tJIC UPDATE, USEPA REGULATIONS ) (Identical-in-Substance Rules)(7—1—94 THROUGH 12—31—94) ) IN THE MATTER OF: )) R95—6RCRA UPDATE, USEPA REGULATIONS ) (Identical-in-Substance Rules)(7—1—94 THROUGH 12—31—94, ) 1—3—95 & 5—19—95) ) Adopted Rule. PC 6 stated that U.S. EPA reviewed the Board’s March 2, 1995 proposed opinion and order,and it set forth corrections necessary to 14 segments of therules. Similarly, the June 1 order corrected the CAS number for 1,1-...
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R 95-004
R 95-006
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R 95-004 / R 95-006 06/15/95 Supplemental Opinion and Order