September 30, 1971In the’ rratter of #R71—12OHIO-WABASH THERMAL STANDARDSu~inion of the Board (by Mr.
Environmental Protection Act, section 27.
Present regulations (SWB-9 and SWB-l0) provide that the temper
ature of the Ohio and Wabash Rivers shall not exceed 60°duringwinter nor 90° at other times, and that there shall be no increaseof more than 5°above natural water temperature.
For this reason, sn~~jej~~
permissible maximum temperatures must he adhered to.
We aeree that maxima
must be provided.
There was objection to the sunqested monthly maxi’~aon the
ground they might, as Dr. Much is made of thefact that the maxima cha...
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