COUNTY OF MADISON BEFCRI~ THE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARDOF THE STATE OF ILLINOISIN THE MATTER ~ App:LIcation for extension oflrarjance of OLIN CORPORATI0N~East Alton, X11ir~oisOPINION OF THE BOARD (BY MR~ LAWTCN)On June ~ 197O~ OLIN CORPORATION of East Iliton, 2I1ino~sfiIe~ ~L~fl tIe kit .~uti~m Conc~o1 s3c~ra a 7~~1~i~n rPquestLngan e~ten~ot (~t Its xi~rirg ‘~ariat~n ori~oaiJv ora~tee orMay 1E3, 1967, to continue dispcsai of its extic,sive trade wasteby open burnanq The present.
Loaded ammunition consists of a priming compound, propellant
powder and a bullet or lead shot, classified into center fire andrim fire cartridges and shot gun shells...
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