Title: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Summary: In the Matter of: Water Quality Triennial Review: Amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208(e)-(g), 302.504(a), 302.575(d), 303.444, 309.141(h); and proposed 35 Ill. Adm. Code 301.267, 301. 313, 301.413, 304.120, and 309.157
Description: Testimonies of Robert Mosher and Clark Olson
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Create Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 10:48:54 AM CST
Modified Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 10:51:38 AM CST
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Abstract: RECEIVEDI L NTROL BOARD CLERK’SF~EB2 2OFFICE2002IN THE MATTER OF:WATER QUALITY AMENDMENTS TO35 HI. My testimony will cover most of the Agency’s responses to questions and requests for further information made at the January 29, 2002 hearing.undoubtedly several reasons for this low incidence of benzene detection. At Transcript p 66, Mr. Rao asks about the cadmium standard that existed prior to the 1990 update. Eight out of 208 critical hardness values are above 425 mg/L. These are generally found in streams that have apast or present history of mining.
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Illinois Environmental Protection Agency